DeadEndRoad’s Creature Feature: The Jersey Devil

Maybe you’ve heard of the hockey team that is its namesake. Maybe you’re heard stories about a winged beast that haunts the swamps of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens. But have you heard of the Hatfield/McCoy-like publishing feud the Jersey Devil had with one Benjamin Franklin? Didn’t think so. Our second creature feature is a doozy. […]
Maybe you’ve heard of the hockey team that is its namesake. Maybe you’re heard stories about a winged beast that haunts the swamps of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens. But have you heard of the Hatfield/McCoy-like publishing feud the Jersey Devil had with one Benjamin Franklin? Didn’t think so. Our second creature feature is a doozy. […] ★ Support this podcast ★
DeadEndRoad’s Creature Feature: The Jersey Devil
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