The DeadEndRoad Show #45: Five People Calling Me Delusional

Podcast title or Elden Ring message? It’s all lost in the ether anyway. Try hole. Eat Arby’s. Ian is reaping what he sowed last week, the Citrus chickens have come home to roost, the metaphors are deeply mixed. What he thought was a normal coming of age show involving incest turned into something weird. Who […]
Podcast title or Elden Ring message? It’s all lost in the ether anyway. Try hole. Eat Arby’s. Ian is reaping what he sowed last week, the Citrus chickens have come home to roost, the metaphors are deeply mixed. What he thought was a normal coming of age show involving incest turned into something weird. Who […] ★ Support this podcast ★
The DeadEndRoad Show #45: Five People Calling Me Delusional
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