All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 108 in total

The DeadEndRoad Show #73: The Secret

Ian has some very important questions, and the only way to find answers is to consult the cards. In a new Not In The Cards, we consult the collective unconscious to se...

Beautiful Cinema: Hellraiser (2022)

Quick mini-pod discussing the new Hellraiser reboot. We discuss its issues and whether it’s worth your 2 hours this Halloween season. Full episodes of The DeadEndRoad ...

The DeadEndRoad Show #72: Wonderland

Bill is seeing connections everywhere. Ian isn’t convinced. We’re all mad here. A new Dating is Dead teaches us how to steal someone’s boyfriend. Informative informati...

The DeadEndRoad Show #71: Business!!!!!

Our stock continues to rise, and the business opportunities are flooding our inbox. Get in on the ground-floor while you can, there are only so many euros to go around...

The DeadEndRoad Show #70: Beat Caroline

If there’s one thing you know about The DeadEndRoad Show, you know it’s the place you can turn to for the freshest, hottest beats out there. You’ve been looking for th...

The DeadEndRoad Show #69: Steamed

We’ve got a big gaming-focused show on deck this week, as Bill’s Steam Deck came in and he’s got some early impressions about the seemingly limitless potential of the ...

The DeadEndRoad Show #68: Spit Takes

We can’t please everybody. And we definitely can’t please Dale. We heard from our hate listener again, and he seems to be under a little bit of stress. Perhaps a fresh...

The DeadEndRoad Show #67: Swiftie Numerology

It’s Soul Hackers 2 season, and nothing else matters. Well, maybe except for a new cult that might be behind a string of murders in Alabama, with an enigmatic guru/rap...

The DeadEndRoad Show #66: Six Ways From Sunday

Things that make Bill angry, in order of importance: the state of Astrologian in Final Fantasy 14, and Boe Jiden doing the bare minimum when it comes to student debt. ...

DeadEndRoad’s Beautiful Cinema: Irma Vep (2022)

As mentioned on the main show, we’re breaking out Beautiful Cinema into its own episodes as a little experiment. And it’s a good thing too, because we had a lot to say...

The DeadEndRoad Show #65: Mr. Eyesight

We <3 corporate culture. We can’t get enough of content synergy, vertical acquisitions, and PR-coordinated hostile takeovers! Which is why we’ve been invited to an exc...

The DeadEndRoad Show #64: The Gender Knob

A fresh Mountains of Madness has us talk about the specificity of dream spaces, and whether their physical dimensions and shapes are something we can return to, and wh...

The DeadEndRoad Show #63: The Gauntlet

Can you survive the perilous set of traps we have lain before you? Who could possibly make it through an onslaught of in-depth Persona port fan translation drama only ...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 62: Nostradadmus

Bill’s dad thinks he can control the future. Ian’s future to be specific. He was on one and it was very strange. We talk about it. In a quick Did It All For the Moogle...

The DeadEndRoad Show Live #1: Hashtag Italiano

Heads up: this was our very first livestreamed episode over at and by all accounts it works best via video. So if you feel like you’re missing ...

The DeadEndRoad Show #61: Replican’t

We’ve entered the Matrix, gone undercover to see just how advanced AI has become. Apparently they like to make up Phoebe Bridgers songs. Our deep dive this week is all...

The DeadEndRoad Show #60: Doop Snogg

A Persona fanzine made off with almost $30k in sales without shipping books, Bill confuses Ian with the new Drake, and we check in with the one and only Doop Snogg in ...

The DeadEndRoad Show #59: Six of Cups

Welcome The DeadEndRoad Show’s first ever guest host: Tori from It Doesn’t Add Up. We do everything in our power to get her to never want to join us again in a supersi...

The DeadEndRoad Show #58: Slipknot Tees

It finally happened. Bill was forced to download TikTok. He had no choice! Find out why, and find out the horrors he’s seen. The terror of the algorithm at work. In a ...

The DeadEndRoad Show #57: Podcasters Posting Their Ls

You’ve heard the classics like “Did it hurt… when you fell from heaven?” But what do pickup-lines look like in 2022? Apparently they’re oddly religious, and they invol...

The DeadEndRoad Show #56: Serial Experiments Lame

We have a weird definition of “fun.” Fun apparently for us means talking about an anime death cult and the omnipresence of a celebrity civil suit. Content warning: thi...

The DeadEndRoad Show #55: The Wheelmaster

Bill tries his hand at community outreach to spread the word about the show, to interesting results. Later, Ian imposes the sanctity of the JRPG Roulette wheel as Bill...

The DeadEndRoad Show #54: Dale

A fresh Dead Letter forces us to look inward at our moral and societal failings and introduces the podcast’s first true villain: Dale. Later Ian shows us a parallel di...

The DeadEndRoad Show #53: What Is Plant Mom?

I’m going to say it. We’re too old. A mysterious Dead Letter sent us spiraling into a wormhole of eldritch research all in search of a simple query: “what is an e-girl...

The DeadEndRoad Show #52: She Might Have Acid Reflux

Bill logged into his Tumblr account for the first time since 2015, like many others, longing for a platform that actually allows for discoverability of created content...

The DeadEndRoad Show #51: Shootin’ The Sh*t, Shootin’ Their Husbands

It’s the start of Season 2 of The DeadEndRoad Show. What does that mean exactly? No idea, but we’re doing it. What we do know is that #51 features homicidal romance au...

The DeadEndRoad Show #50: 12 Inches

50 whole episodes of weird web nonsense, weeb trash, passable criticism, and references to things from 20 years ago. Do we have another 50 in us? Who knows, let’s keep...

The DeadEndRoad Show #49: I Can’t Believe You Don’t Know Scatman John

Oh no, now Bill’s watched an anime named after acidic fruit. Did It All For the Moogle brings us his report, plus miserably failing to explain Kingdom Hearts, the FFXI...

The DeadEndRoad Show #48: Licorice Morbius

Wouldn’t you believe it, but Bill’s having subtitle problems yet again. This time he’s struggling to watch the newest season of Higurashi, the long-running horror anim...

The DeadEndRoad Show #47: Flash Enters the Speedforce

Without realizing it, we became backed up on Dead Letters. And honestly? These ones were really flirty. A Dating is Dead sees Bill try to grapple with OKCupid’s live-s...

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