All Episodes

Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 108 in total

The DeadEndRoad Show #46: Touch of Gray-ce

People cope with stress in all sorts of different ways. Some take up new hobbies, others exercise. Those are probably much healthier options than what we do: take it o...

The DeadEndRoad Show #45: Five People Calling Me Delusional

Podcast title or Elden Ring message? It’s all lost in the ether anyway. Try hole. Eat Arby’s. Ian is reaping what he sowed last week, the Citrus chickens have come hom...

The DeadEndRoad Show #44: Full Gamin’

Bill keeps having issues with subtitles, and he keeps finding ways to delude himself into thinking broken subtitles somehow enhance the movie-watching experience. It h...

The DeadEndRoad Show #43: Bombs Are Dropping But We Gotta Sell These Chicken Fritters

It could be argued that this podcast, as a project, is a public charting of Bill’s (rapid) descent into madness. What better way to formalize this downfall than with o...

The DeadEndRoad Show #42: That’s Some Anime

Oscar contenders. Sketchy romance anime. The duality of humanity, or just this episode? Featuring: Bill losing his mind at the flagrant class warfare on display during...

The DeadEndRoad Show #41: Riding Like Bullwinkle

We really weren’t going to do another No Fucking Thanks this week. But then the perpetrators of the world’s biggest money laundering ever operation were caught. And th...

The DeadEndRoad Show #40: The Shrek Factor

Dudes are trying to claim ownership over colors now. Remember what they took from you. Hold your hexcodes tight, the cryptobros are coming to commodify literally every...

The DeadEndRoad Show #39: Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow

A podcast is but a walking shadow, a poor playerthat struts and frets his hour and a half upon the stageAnd then is heard no more: it is a taleTold by an idiot, full o...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 38: Piss Matrix

It hasn’t been a month into the new year. Crypto somehow finds a way, day by day, to get stupider and scammier. It boggles the mind. We’d like to tell you about some o...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 37: Cultic Dance

You’ve seen the ads on every billboard in town, in your favorite restaurant, but you still don’t know what it is. You might even know someone that has seen it, and the...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 36: For Sale: Fart Jar NFT, Never Opened

New years bring new opportunities, right? What does the collective unconscious have in store? Is ruin imminent? We find out in the latest Not in The Cards. In a new se...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 35: Mental Health Day

It’s rough out there to start 2022. Bill is coming in with a firsthand report of the crumbling status of our healthcare system. In the form of having a manic episode a...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 34: Dog of The Year

(Let’s all pretend this came out four days ago. Cool? Cool.) In our final show of 2021 we have Benedict Cumberbatch and his American accent from Power of the Dog, our ...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 33: Some Pig

Nic Cage is a busy guy. In between being crazy, he somehow finds the time to be a mountain man living it up with a piggie best friend. We watched Pig, and we’re going ...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 32: Wizards (Wise men or Magicians)

We’re baaaack. During our short hiatus the Dead Letters really started to pile up, so let’s sort through some spam and even some bad faith criticism. Elsewhere, we hav...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 31: Have You Seen This Ape?

JRPGs happen so much, and they consume a lot of Bill’s life. Did It All For The Moogle brings us the latest from the world of Final Fantasy 14 and the upcoming Endwalk...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 30: Dream A Little Dream

Bill is going to talk about his dreams. Wait, wait, before you go. What if we told you that his dreams predict the future? Bill gives us some background on oneiromancy...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 29: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Spooky season doesn’t have to end if we don’t let it end, you know? So let’s get uncomfortable. Bill is afraid of mirrors. Make your jokes, but he’s seen some stuff. W...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 28

A minor illness can’t stop this train. We’ve got nonsense to talk about. It’s the last of our Horror Harvest, and it kind of snuck up on us. Thankfully it’s a good one...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 27: Smash Mouth Steve Gave Me COVID

The podcast game is all about efficiency you see. We’re experts after all. We managed to cram virtually all of our segments into a brisk hour and a half. Now that’s ef...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 26: Did It All For The Moogle

We like to have fun around here. But it’s time to get serious. There is major Final Fantasy news coming from all sides. FFXIV media tour updates, new demos. Fred Durst...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 25: Do You Eat Food?

New segment alert! Dead Wrong has us correcting some of the stupid things we’ve said in past episodes. How many times can we use “dead” in a segment name? We’re going ...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 24: Threatening T-Shirts

In Dead Letters, someone emailed t-shirts that are a little too… personal. At least they sent a coupon though. Horror Harvest brings us I Am Not A Witch from Rungano N...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 23: Dear Kevin Spacey

James Wan’s Malignant? Not very scary. Dear Evan Hanson? Now that’s a horror movie if we’ve ever seen one. You have to try the De-aged Ben Platt, it’s wonderfully in-s...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 22: This School Doesn’t Exist

This week’s Horror Harvest pick has Bill reaching for some kind of deeper political theming. Does Gaspar Noe’s Climax convey an anti-drug message, or is it nothing mor...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 21: Amazon Catfish

OkCupid is really out here allowing spon-con. Are people getting weirder or is Bill just finding all of them for Dating is Dead? We also briefly discuss the Texas abor...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 20: Airplane, Airplane Sorry I’m Late

On his mad quest for precognition and self-actualization Bill has realized he read the cards wrong last week. So this time around his Jungian archetype spread has to b...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 19: You Can (Not) Go To Afghanistan

An intrepid 4chan loser went to Afghanistan the week it fell to the Taliban. We talk about his “adventures” and rip on him having diarrhea every half hour. Will Ian st...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 18: Latin Cat

Another round of Dating is Dead introduces us to the Latin Cat, and Bill obsesses over the idea. We also get into the Audacity stabbing incident, and try to get to the...

The DeadEndRoad Show Episode 17: Dating is Dead

We return from the archives with a few oddities found on dating sites. Buckle up, it gets uncomfortable in a hurry. Also, the collective unconscious graced us with ano...

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